News Blog

Gemeinde Seevetal hat eine neue Baumschutzsatzung!

Bäume fällen auf privatgrundstück

ab dem 14.07.2023 ist für die Gemeinde Seevetal eine Baumschutzsatzung in Kraft getreten. Was bedeutet das für Baumbesitzer*innen in Seevetal? Das bedeutet, man braucht eine Genehmigung, um geschützte Bäume fällen oder beschneiden zu lassen.

Mehr Informationen, das Genehmigungsformular und hilfreiche Tips bei der Beantragung finden Sie in “Hilfreiche Links”.

Als Fachfirma können wir die Verkehrssicherheit ihrer Bäume beurteilen und notwendige Maßnahmen empfehlen. Gern übernehmen wir das Einholen der Genehmigung für Sie. Hier geht es zum Kontakt.

Alternativ können Sie sich direkt an die Gemeinde wenden. Zuständig ist hier Hr. Magnus Pflüger. Für Fragen rund um den Baumschutz bietet die Gemeinde jeden Dienstag zwischen 15 und 18 Uhr unter 04105  55-2317 oder per Mail eine Baumsprechstunde an.


Gerne erarbeiten wir mit Ihnen ein Konzept für die sinnvolle Verwendung ihres Schnittgutes. Abgeschnittene Äste und Stammstücke werden zur ökologischen Bereicherung. Auch das Einbringen von Häckselgut trägt zur Standortverbesserung bei.

In einer Benjeshecke beispielsweise können Garten- und Baumabschnitte aller Art verbaut werden. Hier finden Vögel, Igel, Kleinsäugetiere und Insekten ein Quartier. Mehr Infos zur Benjeshecke finden Sie hier: Nabu-Benjeshecke

frisch angelegte Benjeshecke im urbanen Raum Hamburg

Eine einfache Möglichkeit, einen Baumstandort aufzuwerten ist es, eine dünne Schicht Häckselgut im Wurzelbereich zu verteilen. Es kann ebenso in Beeten verwendet werden. Mehr zu unserem Angebot zur Bodenverbesserung finden Sie hier.

Das Häckselgut nach der Kronenpflege dieser Kastanie wurde in einer ca. 10cm dicken Schicht im Kronentraufbereich des Baumes verteilt. Es “füttert” das Bodenleben, reduziert Austrocknung, ist optisch ansprechend und sorgt für einen Druckausgleich, der weitere Bodenverdichtung vermindern kann.

Etwas ausgefallener ist diese, aus England stammende Gestaltungsidee. Eine “Stumpery” ist eine Anordnung von Stämmen oder Wurzelstöcken. Diese werden mit Farnen, Moosen oder anderen Pflanzen begrünt. Es entsteht ein außergewöhnliches Gestaltungselement, das Insekten und anderen Kleinlebewesen einen Lebensraum bietet. Die langsame Zersetzung des Totholzes durch Bodenlebewesen dient als “natürlicher Langzeitdünger”.

Fracture Pruning, Coronet Cuts and Retrenchment Pruning

Fracture Pruning in Hamburg

Goal: To manage risk whilst removing as little rich ecological habitat as possible.

Through books such as; Trees – a Lifespan Approach and the research of Dirk Dujesiefken, Neville Fay and of course many others, a clear direction is given to the protectional Arborist. One aspect of tree care that we have been particularly interested in recently, is the management of ancient and veteran trees.

We have been honing our skills at creating Coronet Cuts. Check out this video which gives some insight to the cut method we have been using. This method as recently been updated to what I call the inverted Christmas tree method. At some point I will add another video on this method in particular.

Fracture pruning video

Baumpflege (Tree care) in Hamburg

This week we were lucky enough to have Fabian Webber  from Munich working with us.  He is not only and excellent climbing arborist but his passion for trees was also a welcoming refreshment.  Our first job was working on a topped English Oak tree in which we went about restoring the canopy structure. By selecting strongly attached branches to be retained, thinning and reducing the remaining branches, our aim was to improve overall structural strength of the tree’s canopy whilst retaining its natural shape and form.  Click on the photo slider for before and after photos.

  • Baumpflege Kronenschnitt Hamburg
    Kronenpflege, Kroneneinkürzung und Kronenauslichtung Vorher

Champion Team

This week at Kilpatrick Baumpflege we had a great time working together with a truly excellent team of climbers.  With 14 large spreading 200 year old English Oaks to prune and weight reduce, only a very capable team would suffice. The trees were on a beautiful property in Soltau, Germany.

Here pictured from left to right are;

Anika Hartramph, Terry Boston, Scott Forrest, James Kilpatrick, James Gilotti

Internationales Baumpflegeteam Kilpatrick Hamburg

ITCC 2016 San Antonio, Texas.

Quite a successful year its been – especially for the Kiwi team.

I was interviewed by Sonia Garth from ISA for the Arbor News magazine feature article.  I would like to share this article in interview format, the article gives insight on my personal approach to competition climbing.

Click on the link below to read the article

2016 ITCC San Antonio – Interview with James Kilpatrick

ITCC 2016 Tree Climbers

Results from the 2016 ITCC can be found by clicking HERE

Working in Switzerland, equipment set ups – What they have been hiding for generations…

This Autumn, Anika Hartramph, Jeremie Thomas and Myself traveled 3 weeks in Switzerland on a working holiday, parts of what we found was very interesting – well i though so anyway!  I’m talking about Arborist equipment here, the heavier stuff.  Specifically, how the Swiss go about their job site cleanup and how its managed both in a timely, and pain free manner.

In New Zealand, job site cleanup is managed it what i would call, a rather traditional way – with a truck and chipper. The bigger the better of course…  Throughout Europe, roads often are smaller than you would find in NZ, Australia or North America, therefor generally speaking, we are using smaller equipment here.  No to mention of course, Europeans live in a fridge half the year so firewood is usually fraught after meaning more material/ wood can be left on site.  Things like road tax in Switzerland would kill profits for anyone driving around trucks (over 3.5t GVM) so with these things in mind, alternative solutions must be found.

Again in Switzerland, everywhere we went you would hear the crews saying “no chippers are too noisy, i hate hearing them all day, its not as safe – especially tough when trying to communicate”… All fair and valid points i would say.

So whats the solution?  These could be the solution.

SO how did I rate these crane/ trailer combo’s? I would start off by saying that like any system, they had their positives and negatives.


  • No noise
  • Safer than a chipper
  • Fast, just drag and drop
  • Far better for the body ergonomically, no lifting, not as much twisting
  • Versatile, for when lifting big-bags full with leaves or soil bags for transplanting


  • Wont fit as much compared to branches being chipped
  • Branches still need to be processed at some stage – stored and chipped by a large machine at a later date
  • Requires skilled operators (doesn’t actually take long to learn)

Price was not a factor i considered, chippers cost the same if not more to buy.

All in all, it seems to be one of those things that will work amazingly for some people in some places and not at all for others and their situations.  I think the all round versatility of the crane/ trailer combo great especially for managing wood.  Again one of those compromises, the wood still has to be transported to the trailer… Ahh we could go around in circles here couldn’t we, searching for the ultimate set-up.

A special thanks to Baumwerker, Tilia Baumpflege and Astwerk Baumpflege for having us!

Petzl backs-up the MICRO TRAXION in the SRT (Single Line Ascent System) I use.

While beginning my masters challenge ascent in the German National Tree Climbing Championship this year, I was stopped mid-run and questioned regarding the SRT configuration I use.  Luckily i was able to produce a statement directly from Petzl confirming my system was appropriate.  See the attachment statement…

Petzl Statement on-the Microtraxion + Ascenders.pdf

James Kilpatrick Single Line System SRT Ascent

Photo by Freeworker


London Plane Tree Allee, Tübingen

Last week i had a chance to be a part of a very special job, pruning the oldest Allee in Germany.  Tübingen’s Neckarinsel is the home of 96 very special Platanus X acerofolia trees.  These trees form the oldest Platanus Allee in Germany, each tree is over 200 years old…

Historische Platanenallee Neckarinsel 200 Jahre alte Platanenallee der Neckarinsel

Asia Pacific Tree Climbing Champs 2015 Singapore

Hows this for a masters tree with the APTCC title on the line…

Click HERE for more!

APTCC 2015 Masters Tree

Photo by Andy Neverman

French National Tree Climbing Championship 2015

Click HERE for more!

French TCC 2015